
12 years of valued service for Deon Brink

Press Release

St John WA Director of Ambulance Operations Deon Brink celebrates 12 years of service this week. To celebrate his career we sat down to ask him three key questions on life at St John WA.

What do you think has been the thing that has kept you here for 12 years?

“I have been very fortunate to have a very diverse and varied career within St John across multiple departments. This included opportunities to work with (and learn from) some amazing people. One of the strengths of our organisation is its diverse nature and different divisions. There are lots of options if you are prepared to challenge yourself and not always pick the safe option.”

What has been the biggest thing you have learnt in your 12 years at St John WA?

“Don’t say no to a challenge or opportunity and prepare yourself for the future (even if you are not sure what that is exactly). Put your hand up for projects or committees, you never know where it might lead and what you may learn! Get a mentor, just someone to talk to and help you develop. Always ask for feedback.”

What advice would you give to someone who is thinking about becoming a paramedic?

“It is not for everyone, but it is a great profession and career with lots of rewards and opportunities. It is very competitive to get into, so if at first you do not succeed, please try again.”

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