The festival goers guide to first aid
Festival season is here and it’s important to know how you can take care of yourself and your mates while you’re enjoying the festival vibes.
St John recommends applying to following first aid tips to help keep you safe.

1. Know where the first aid tent is
Once you arrive at the festival, ensure you scout the area and familiarise yourself with the space (not just where your favourite acts are going to perform!). Identify key areas including the first aid tent, as you may need to run straight there for help. It will save you time and stress trying to find it if you’re in trouble.
Most festivals have maps or an app where you can easily locate the booth without needing to walk around the entire festival grounds. Don’t be afraid to ask for help if you need it.
Photo courtesy of ABC
2. Slip, Slop, Slap, Seek and Slide
It’s been drilled into you as a kid and just for good measure we’re going to tell you again – stay sun smart!
It’s easy to forget applying sunscreen, but your skin will thank you for it (and for years to come). Most sunscreens come at SPF20+, but we recommend applying a longer lasting lotion with an SPF50+ and reapplying every so often to protect yourself from the UV Rays.
Minimise your sun exposure if you can by covering your skin, wearing a hat and sunnies; and by staying in the shade. We know it’s hard to stay out of the sun at festivals so try your best, and seek help if you start to experience signs of heat stroke.
3. Bring a friend or two
There’s safety in numbers and knowing someone at a festival who has your back if you’re in trouble could make a significant difference.
Embracing a buddy system will help you stay connected and ensure that both you and your mates have an incredible time. St John recommends keeping tabs on each other throughout the day, identifying a hot spot location should you get separated and bringing back up battery packs in the event that your device dies.
Your mates are the people most likely to help you if you get sick, so make a plan and don’t be afraid to reach out if you feel unwell or need help.
4. Maintain a healthy balance between alcohol consumption and water intake
We’re not here to crash anyone’s party, but we do want festival goers to be aware of why it’s important to space your drinks and to consume plenty of water.
Alcohol is a diuretic, which means your body is trying to process and filter your drinks at a much faster rate. If you don’t consume water between drinks, you run the risk of dehydrating which can cause other health issues, especially in hot weather.
Remember to always drink responsibly.
5. We don’t condone drug use, but knowing this could save a life
Most people can enjoy festivals without taking illicit substances, but should you choose to take anything there are a few things you should know should you get into trouble.
Our event staff are trained to handle most first aid situations, they will be your best chance if you’re experiencing a reaction to what you have taken. All first aid information is confidential. It is critical if you are experiencing any medical issues that you disclose what you have taken. That way our staff knows the best way to treat you and we don’t give you any medication that may make you feel worse.
When it comes to your health on the day, you are the only person responsible for what you do and what you choose to take. Be up front and honest, we will be there to help you if you need it.
St John discourages the consumption of any illicit substances. In an emergency, always call Triple Zero (000) or see our Event Health Officers at the first aid tent.