
Another day, another new baby

Press Release

Calling Triple Zero (000) isn’t how most expectant mums envision going into labour, but for Perth mum Libby, it quickly became necessary.

Baby Joshua made sure his birth would be a memorable one for all involved, with Libby unexpectedly having a fast-progressing labour resulting in a happy, yet unexpected home birth.

Libby and her husband John’s first son took a few hours to make his way into the world, so when Libby started having contractions it made sense for the family to relax and wait for things to speed up.

With toddler Andrew and John sound asleep, it wasn’t long before baby Josh decided it was his time to shine.

He was ready to make his entrance into the world, as soon as possible.

Never knowing what they’re about to hear, the team in SOC (State Operations Centre) are always focused on being cool and collected when taking Triple Zero (000) calls.

However, when it’s to help a new baby into the world, the atmosphere rapidly changes.

Call taker Sharon was excited as she talked Libby, through the process while paramedics Joanna and Mitch were dispatched.

John managed to help Libby move to the family’s kitchen and waited eagerly for the paramedics to arrive, while Sharon waited to see if she was about to become the latest member of the St John WA Stork Club.

As the paramedics arrived and took over care from Sharon, the entirety of SOC waited eagerly to hear back about the baby.

Just four minutes after Joanna and Mitch arrived, baby Josh showed up right there in the kitchen before being whisked away to the hospital for checks.

Somehow during all this excitement new big brother Andrew stayed sound asleep, blissfully unaware he was no longer an only child.

Baby Josh is now four months old and has been reunited with the team that helped bring him into the world.

It isn’t every day the team has the pleasure of meeting those they assist, with Sharon saying call takers didn’t always get to hear about the people they helped.

“I was grateful to the paramedics for calling me from the hospital to let me know the baby had arrived safely,” she said.

For Joanna, little Josh will always be a special patient, as her first ever birth on the job. “Bringing a new life into the world is so special,” she said.

For the family, the unexpected birth has helped make their home extra special.

“It definitely makes the house more special,” Libby said.

It’s safe to say Josh certainly made an impression on the family home, and on the team who helped him arrive safe and sound.

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