
Beyond Bank installs lifesaving defibrillators across Australia

Press Release

In what is believed to be a first for an Australian bank, Beyond Bank has installed defibrillators in every branch of its national network.

The bank, one of the largest customer-owned banks in Australia, has partnered with St. John to purchase the defibrillators and ensure staff are properly trained to use them in the event of a medical emergency.

“As a customer-owned bank, we are always striving to do the best for our local communities and to work with them to provide the best possible customer experience when they visit us,” said Mr Robert Keogh, Chief Executive Officer, Beyond Bank.

“Late last year, there was a critical medical incident in one of our branches that required urgent resuscitation.

“It was an extremely traumatic event for everyone involved and it made us realise that when it comes to saving lives, every minute counts so investing in defibrillators became a very easy decision.”

Fifty six defibrillators are now operational in all the Bank’s branches and regional office hubs in New South Wales, Canberra, Victoria, South Australia and Western Australia.

“Of course, we hope we never need them but it gives our staff and our customers real peace of mind that if someone does suffer a cardiac arrest, lifesaving treatment is at hand,” said Mr Keogh.

St. John has commended the Bank on the move and encouraged other banks to follow suit.

“We are seeing a growing demand from organisations to install defibrillators and ideally, they should be considered as necessary as a fire extinguisher,” said Mr Dan Rose, Clinical Hub Manager, St John, WA.

“Early defibrillation is unequivocally associated with a better chance of surviving a cardiac arrest and with the training that is included for companies buying defibrillators, it means people can use them with confidence.”

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