
Book donation set to inspire the next generation of Legends

Press Release
  • 400 copies of a new kids’ book telling the real-life tales of paramedics, volunteers and staff from St John WA have been donated under a new partnership to mark Book Week,
  • The partnership between St John, the School of Special Education Needs at PCH, PCH Foundation and Radio Lollipop also includes activity packs to children undergoing medical and mental health care,
  • The book, called Land of Legends, was written by local author Deb Fitzpatrick and features 20 true stories, each with illustrations by West Australian authors.

St John has donated 400 books for kids undergoing health care in Western Australia to mark the start of Book Week 2022.

Hardcover copies of the newly-launched book, Land of Legends, have been delivered to theSchool of Special Education Needs (Mental and Medical Health), PCH Foundation and Radio Lollipop along with activity packs to educate and inspire the next generation to help others in need and the importance of building strong communities.

Written by local author Deb Fitzpatrick, Land of Legends features 20 true stories from the frontline. Ms Fitzpatrick said it contained true stories of community and was a celebration of what makes Western Australia great.

“There hasn’t been a single interview I’ve come away from feeling anything other than just awe of these people,” she said.

“Every single one of them, whether they’re small acts of kindness or really heroic acts that showed great courage in frightening situations, have left me feeling like if I’m ever in trouble, this is the sort of person I want to have come in my door to give me a hand.

St John Chief of Brand and Reputation Aaron Crowther said the St John workforce had been trusted to respond in times of need in Western Australia for more than a century. 

Land of Legends puts faces to a number of incredible stories that serve as a representative body of work for innumerable community supporters of St John’s for more than 100 years,” Mr Crowther said. 

“Every year we deliver more than 1.5 million occasions of care through our services, which support people through tough times, while improving outcomes for our community more broadly.”

St John WA has partnered with the School of Special Education Needs (Mental and Medical Health) (SSEN:MM), PCH Foundation and Radio Lollipop for Book Week (20 – 26 August). The partnership included donations of 400 books and activity packs for children in Perth Children’s Hospital and regional hospitals throughout WA.

Land of Legends stories will also be shared across the Radio Lollipop airwaves throughout Book Week, with readings from author Deb Fitzpatrick and The Wiggles.

Principal of SSEN:MM Caleb Jones is looking forward to working with St John WA and positive about the learning outcomes that will be achieved through the partnership.

 “We’re thankful for the of support St John WA and Land of Legends, which has provided stimulating element to Book Week lessons,” said Mr Jones.

“These inspirational true students encourage our students to develop a lifelong love of reading, and I know our students are excited to learn more about the important roles St John WA play in our community.”

Also in support of the partnership is CEO of the PCH Foundation, Carrick Robinson.

“We’re pleased to be involved with St John WA and to be able to share the stories of the everyday heroes at St John with children at PCH,” said Mr Robinson.

Aimed at a reading age of 10 and above, the book is written to cover a wide spectrum of readers with parental icons flagging any graphic content.

All proceeds from book sales will go to St John Giving, which supports charitable works of the organisation.

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