Cambridge to become a St John WA Safe Town

St John WA and the Town of Cambridge have partnered in a two year Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to offer a range of initiatives to make Cambridge a St John WA Safe Town.
The St John WA Safe Town program aims to assist in the saving of lives and provide the community with the tools and education needed to share the life saving power of first aid and devices such as defibrillators.
The range of initiatives available to local residents, community groups, sporting clubs and businesses in the Town of Cambridge will include:
• Discounted accredited first aid training
• St John Safe assessments
• Additional defibrillator locations throughout the Town
• Community Transport Services

St John Health Services Director Phil Holman congratulated the Town of Cambridge for joining with St John to make its community more resilient.
“This MOU is a big step towards creating a more resilient community in Cambridge – this resilience will mean they are a lot better off when it comes to responding to a medical emergency,” he said.
“The commitment to training, publicly accessible defibrillators and St John Safe accreditation will stand Cambridge in very good stead.”
Mr Holman said clubs, businesses or homes with a defibrillator in the Town can head to the St John WA website ( to register it.
“The location will then be made available by the St John WA website and St John smartphone First Responder App, affording those having a cardiac arrest a great chance of survival,” he said.