
Free first aid for Koordak crew

Press Release
  • Team members from Ellenbrook-based not-for-profit provided free First Aid training in partnership with St John,
  • Koordak is a non-profit organisation based on helping to improve the lives of the Aboriginal Community in Ellenbrook and surrounds,
  • Students completed an accredited course teach provides the skills and knowledge to potentially save a life.

St John WA is committed to strengthening the resilience of the community in Western Australia through vital first aid knowledge.

As part of efforts to promote first aid education, St John WA ran a free first aid course for leaders of Koordak, a non-profit organisation helping to improve the lives of the Aboriginal Community in Ellenbrook and surrounds.

Koordak provides a wide range of services to the community including cultural learning, playgroup, dance and more, making St John WA’s ‘HLTAID012 Provide First Aid’ course a perfect fit for the organisation. The course was run at no cost to Koordak as their community values aligns with St John WA’s service to humanity. 

In February St John WA launched its Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) and aims to continue to align with organisations such as Koordak to help strengthen the community through first aid and better healthcare opportunities.

To view St John’s RAP, and for more information about the organisation’s reconciliation journey, go to

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