
Getting emergency assistance in an unknown location

Press Release

Pinpointing your exact location can become difficult in an emergency situation. For example, you may not know the precise address, or it may be in a regional location or along a lengthy stretch of road without street signage or landmarks.

Help us find you in an emergency by using the St John First Responder App, which sends your exact location to the operator when you call Triple Zero (000).

Dial Triple Zero (000) with your location

One of the most important features of the First Responder App is the “Dial 000” function. Calling from within the app will automatically send your GPS location to the St John WA call centre when you place a Triple Zero (000) call via the app and ask for Ambulance, speeding up the time it takes to send help your way.

This GPS locator feature requires mobile data or Wi-Fi internet to be able to work. However, if you’re in an area where you can’t access the internet you can still read your GPS coordinates, both latitude and longitude, to the call taker as the app also displays your precise GPS location on screen when you make that call.

Automatically sending your GPS location, or manually providing your latitude and longitude, will speed up the time it takes to confirm your location and dispatch an ambulance, saving crucial minutes in an emergency.

Note: Now thanks to the Australia-wide roll-out of Advanced Mobile Location (AML) technology for all Triple Zero (000) services, St John WA Ambulances will be able to locate many callers requiring emergency assistance faster. Continue to use the First Responder app if you want your GPS coordinates displayed on screen to assist.

Use the First Aid Guides for help

In a first aid emergency, it’s important to know the right procedure so you can treat the injury or illness before the ambulance arrives. That’s why the First Responder App has a range of First Aid Guides that you can access at your fingertips. You can open these handy guides along with some additional tools by tapping the First Aid Toolbox tile on the home screen.

Within the First Aid Toolbox, you’ll find a range of First Aid Guides for a variety of situations. They contain helpful instructions for treating incidents from asthma to stroke, with trusted information provided by the organisation that trains paramedics in first aid.

At the top of the First Aid Toolbox, you’ll also find a CPR metronome which you can use while performing CPR. The metronome will help you keep to the recommended timing for chest compressions.

Check the Emergency Room wait times

Once you’ve assessed the situation and applied your first aid skills, you might decide the injury or illness warrants a trip to hospital.

If you have ever been to an emergency room, you’ll know they can often be quite busy. To find 24-hour emergency care near you that can see you sooner, open the First Responder App and tap “Medical Centres Nearby”, which opens a map showing the nearest emergency rooms. Here, you’ll find each emergency room’s contact details and average wait times.

You can also use the app to get directions to the emergency room through your phone’s preferred map application. 

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