
How St John Safe Can Assist Your Business: Taking the Hard Work Out of First Aid

Press Release

Ensuring the safety and wellbeing of your employees is essential in today’s fast-paced business environment.

A workplace emergency can happen at any time, and ensuring your business is prepared can make the difference between a minor first aid incident and a catastrophic outcome. This is where St John Safe can help your organisation, taking the hard work out of first aid and providing businesses with a complimentary, comprehensive solution to achieve first aid readiness.

First Aid Preparedness Made Simple

St John WA, a trusted name in first aid training and emergency response, offers a unique, complimentary service – St John Safe. Our First Aid Specialist, Meg O’Hare, describes St John Safe as a tool to “assist businesses in identifying their first aid requirements for their relevant industry, providing a detailed report with recommendations to help them become first aid ready”. With safety regulations and requirements ever-changing and evolving, it can be a daunting task for businesses to determine exactly what is necessary to be prepared for a workplace incident. This is precisely where the St John Safe assessment shines, curating personalised recommendations based on each organisation’s unique environment.

According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, 497,300 people experienced a workplace injury in 2021-2022, highlighting the urgent need for first aid readiness within the workplace. The St John Safe assessment evaluates the current systems in place and identifies any gaps to create a tailored plan. A safer workplace does not only reduce the risk of injuries but also fosters a culture of care and shared preparedness.

The St John Safe Approach

The St John Safe assessment process is both comprehensive and collaborative. Upon conducting an on-site assessment with one of our expert first aid specialists, our team will compile detailed recommendations, ensuring that your business is on the right path to becoming St John Safe. Through the St John Safe assessment, you can expect:

  1. Customised first aid training: St John WA understands that every business is unique. The St John Safe program assists you in determining the ideal level of first aid training required for your staff, based on the size and nature of your operations. Equipping your team with necessary first aid skills can significantly reduce the impact of workplace incidents and emergencies.
  2. Accessible defibrillators: When someone suffers from cardiac arrest, that person’s likelihood of survival drops 10% for every minute a defibrillator is not applied. During the St John Safe assessment, our First Aid Specialist will recommend the most appropriate placement for your defibrillators, ensuring these life-saving devices are readily available when minutes matter.
  3. First aid kit recommendations: maintaining appropriate first aid kit stock levels is often overlooked and neglected, leading to an increase in potential risks. Our specialist, Meg, explains the importance of regularly checking first aid kit stock as “they need to be checked annually and against an approved stock list to avoid expired, unusable products”. St John Safe takes the reins by recommending the right number and suitable types of first aid kits to best suit your workplace, as well as recommending a restocking service to ensure that your kits are always up to date and ready for use.
  4. First aid drills: first aid training alone can be insufficient without a practical application. The St John Safe program can organise and recommend first aid drills to enable your team to put their skills into action, enhancing confidence and effectiveness during workplace emergencies. These drills can be conducted on-site, utilising your existing facilities.


Becoming St John Safe

Upon completing our St John Safe assessment and implementing the systems, training, and equipment recommended by our St John Safe assessors, your business will become St John Safe. This distinction signifies a workplace that prioritises safety and is well-equipped and prepared to handle workplace emergencies.

The St John Safe program offers a holistic solution for businesses of all sizes and industries. By simplifying the process and providing expert guidance, a St John Safe assessment can help any organisation navigate the complexities of workplace safety. If your business is interested in taking proactive steps towards a safer workplace and embracing the comprehensive benefits of St John Safe, you can book an assessment.

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