
Impact Report reveals greater safety and improved reporting for frontline workforce

Press Release
  • Frontline safety for ambulance personnel improved in FY21-22 thanks to de-escalation training and a strengthened reporting culture, new figures have revealed,
  • St John paramedics undertook de-escalation training with national expert agency Procom, which also works with Ambulance Victoria,
  • The fresh figures were released in the FY21-22 St John Impact Report.

St John WA is delivering a safer and healthier workplace after new figures reveal injuries to frontline staff relating to violence and aggression from patients and bystanders dropped 23 per cent over two years to FY21-22.

The fall coincided with a strengthened culture of reporting, with an increase of violence and aggression incident reporting of 27 per cent in the same timeframe.

St John People and Culture Executive Director Tamsyn Howard said the figures, published in the FY21-22 St John Impact Report, showed a training program from national experts Procom provided staff with the skills and confidence to keep themselves, and their colleagues, safe – key to ensuring frontline staff were available for community needs more often, amplifying the organisation’s social impact. 

“Emergency services personnel are at risk of harm from violent and aggressive patients and bystanders. Creating an organisational climate where personnel are willing to report incidents openly and honestly, without fear of ramifications, improves safety practice,” Ms Howard said.

“At a time when COVID-19 has placed phenomenal pressures on the St John frontline to deliver for patients it remains vital personnel have the access and support of services to ensure their own self-care needs are prioritised.”

Procom is a nation-leading training provider which hasworked with Ambulance Victoria.

“St John empowers its people so they can deliver life-saving services to Western Australia.”

The new figures were released in the St John 2021-22 Impact Report which covered 38 demonstrated impacts for the year.

Additional highlights included:

  • An improvement of 5.1 per cent in Triple Zero (000) calls answered within 10 seconds by the State Operations Centre,
  • A 10.8 per cent increase in Priority 1 case numbers,
  • A stable country volunteer workforce of almost 4000,
  • An almost 40 per cent increase in students enrolled in first aid training,
  • A 60 per cent increase in Urgent Care patients.

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