
It’s all go at the Show for St John

Press Release

On Wednesday the St John WA pavilion won ‘Best Presented Site’ at the Show.

It’s that fun time of year when the greatest show in Perth throws open its gates, bringing the country to the city along with rides, showbags, and plenty of fun.

This year, the St John WA exhibition stand is right next to the community stage at the Perth Royal Show. 

Dress like a legend and have a photo taken in one of our ambulances or check out one of our five dedicated stage shows which include first aid demonstrations, book readings to learn about who to call in an emergency and some of our legends who have stories in our new Land of Legends children’s book.

Young children can take a tour of the St John Wiggles Ambulance and create their own Kura Bear masks, while older kids can try out virtual reality headsets and perform virtual first aid.

There is a CPR challenge where technique trumps speed, as well as an “outdoor adventures” station where bites and burns are the topic of conversation.

While visiting the St John stand, take the opportunity to stock up on your first aid needs, or grab your very own Land of Legends copy.

Be sure to stop by during your day at the Show – we would love to see you.

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