More than 8000 high schoolers educated on traffic trauma for RAC bstreetsmart
- More than 80 secondary schools watched emergency first reponders demonstrate the dangers of distracted driving, speeding, and intoxicated driving.
- More than a quarter of all road deaths last year were aged 17 to 29, according to the Road Safety Commission.
- Up to 15 per cent of road accident deaths could be prevented with timely first aid.
St John WA welcomed being part of a traffic crash re-enactment for RAC’s bstreetsmart event attended by more than 8000 high school students on Wednesday, September 14.
St John has been part of the annual event, alongside WA Police (WAPOL) and the Department of Fire and Emergency Service (DFES), since RAC began hosting it in 2012.
This year more than 80 secondary schools watched WAPOL, DFES and St John Metropolitan Ambulance personnel demonstrate the dangers of distracted driving, speeding, and intoxicated driving.
The event aims to reduce the fatality and injury rates of young people on WA roads by giving them an insight to what emergency first responders see every day.
More than a quarter of all road deaths last year were aged 17 to 29, according to the Road Safety Commission.
Six St John Ambulance paramedics and an RAC Rescue Critical care paramedic conducted walk-throughs of the various response vehicles used by St John, and answered students’ questions during the lunch breaks.
It was also the first time St John’s Youth and Community team was invited to host a stall to discuss student First Aid programs, particularly with a focus on road awareness.
St John WA Acting Executive Director of Ambulance Justin Fonte said the event would leave a lasting impression.

“Risky behaviour on WA roads can have devastating consequences for families and friends, which St John ambulance personnel see first-hand,” Mr Fonte said.
“Crash re-enactments such as RAC bstreetsmart highlights the serious responsibilities all drivers have behind the wheel.”
Up to 15 per cent of road accident deaths could be prevented with timely first aid.
Last year more than 8200 young drivers completed St John WA’s free 30-minute driver first aid program, Click to Save, which equips Leaners and P-plate drivers with basic first aid useful in the event of road crash.