New ambulance centre a boost for Wheatbelt community
The Mitchell Street sub-centre in Merredin was originally built in the 1950s and had reached the end of its useful life, resulting in its demolition and the construction of a new facility on the existing site.
St John WA CEO Michelle Fyfe said this new facility will have great benefits for the ambulance volunteers and the wider community.
“The lack of onsite training and accommodation facilities was making it difficult to attract and retain volunteers at the sub centre,” Ms Fyfe said.
“The centre now has a three bay ambulance garage, a multi-use training room with improved technology for skills training and public first aid courses, and accommodation facilities so volunteers have the option of staying in town when on shift.
“This $1 million project was possible thanks to funding from Lotterywest and the State Government’s Wheatbelt Regional Grants Scheme through the Wheatbelt Development Commission, with St John WA contributing the remainder.
“I would particularly like to thank the volunteers who have worked hard for many years to deliver this project, especially Donna Crook and the rest of the committee who have generously given so much of their time.
“This new facility will provide a regional base for a Community Paramedic, who is a professional paramedic allocated to a region to provide training and mentoring to the volunteers and improve access to high level care,” Ms Fyfe said.
Attending the official opening with St John WA CEO Michelle Fyfe and Chairman Shayne Leslie, is the Hon. Darren West MLC, representing the State Government.