
New Volunteer Advocacy Team to be established

Press Release

Volunteer Experience Business Partners Allison Rayner and Elza Wallis are preparing to launch a new Volunteer Advocacy Team in August, which will provide St John WA volunteers with a clear pathway to be represented and input into the future of the organisation.

The Team will have representation from all the volunteer streams within St John WA, including Event Health Services, Community Transport, Youth and Community and Country Ambulance. With Elza and Allison at the helm, there will be 15 seats available, with members elected by their peers after a nomination process.

Figures from May revealed St John WA has about 6000 active volunteers, which includes almost 3900 across Country Ambulance, making them the biggest cohort by number of the St John WA Team.

The number of Country ambulance team members has increased 5.3 per cent from the same time last year.

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