
‘Okay, tell me exactly what’s happened’ – the art of emergency call handling

Press Release

St John WA Ambulance Network Coordinator Gareth Miller creates art to de-stress from his duties as an emergency call handler in the State Control Centre (SCC).

He’s been selected as a finalist in the City of South Perth’s Emerging Artist Awards for his hand drawn piece entitled Okay, tell me exactly what’s happened.

Having worked in the call centre for 13 years, Gareth wanted to focus on a self-portrait exploring his career at SJWA and the impact it’s had on him.

“The title of the piece is the first question we ask after gaining the caller’s contact info,” Gareth said.

“This is where we find out why they need an ambulance, which then informs what advice and first aid we provide.”

Gareth has facilitated the birth of many babies from mothers delivering on their own to bystanders helping strangers in public.

Gareth’s artwork depicts elements of his work life.

“These types of calls are the most beautiful and almost the most nerve-racking. There is so much that can and will go wrong and when delivered, the baby becomes a second patient, along with the mother.”

In the self-portrait, Gareth holds The Body Keeps the Score, a book about processing trauma, along with a Stork Club mug – given to SCC call takers in recognition of assisting in a successful delivery.

“By virtue of the work we do, trauma is inescapable,” he said. 

“I’ve come to understand the importance of mindfulness and finding an outlet to process stress. The practice of drawing and making art is a perfect meditative release.

“I wanted to include the mug as a nod to the positive and joyous side of taking emergency calls – they are either blue or pink. I chose to depict a pink mug to celebrate my daughter.”

Gareth said having an outlet outside of work to help de-stress and refocus was important for frontline team members.

“For me, that includes not only my art practice but spending time with my wife and daughter cooking, playing drums and being in nature.”

The Emerging Artist Exhibition runs from October 18 to 26 at the South Perth Community Hall. Admission is free and visitors can submit their vote for the People’s Choice category in which Gareth is competing.

See more of Gareth’s work on his Instagram.

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