
Paramedic dad helps deliver own baby at home after whirlwind labour

Press Release
  • St John WA Ambulance Paramedic Kad Combes helped his wife deliver their second daughter at home in January,
  • Baby Charlie was eager to meet her parents after a speedy 19-minute labour,
  • The bub was delivered safely with help from St John WA Communications Officer Greg Martin.

Helping to bring a new baby into the world under unusual circumstances can be all in a day’s work for a paramedic. 

But St John WA’s Kad Combes never expected he’d be the one “catching” his own new arrival earlier this year. 

Mr Combes and his wife Darcie were relaxing at home on January 19, when she started having mild contractions. 

When Mrs Combes’ water broke and contractions intensified, her husband got on the phone to the hospital and called an ambulance. 

But their eager bub didn’t want to wait, with the paramedic and doctor couple forced to jump in the bathtub ready to deliver their second daughter. 

Smiley baby Charlie was born just minutes later. 

St John WA Ambulance Paramedic Kad Combes with wife Darcie and their daughters Millie (18 months) and Charlie.
Courtesy of Ian Munro/The West Australian.

“By the time I got in (to the bath), it was a couple of seconds, and Charlie just came flying out,” Mr Combes told The West Australian.

The parents were supported over the phone by new St John WA call-taker Greg Martin who calmly helped them through the whirlwind 19-minute labour.

“I popped Charlie on Darcie’s chest and kept talking to the operator to do a few checks to make sure she was happy, covered her in towels and a few minutes later an ambulance arrived,” Mr Combes said. 

Despite helping with three births in his career as a paramedic so far, Mr Combes said it was still a shock to deliver his own baby. 

“When you get called to a labour at work you expect to catch a baby but I had absolutely no expectations of catching my own,” he said.

“It happened so quickly, but as soon as I held her in my hands, I was overjoyed.

“I just thought that she was smiley and she had a little cough and a cry, and that she was a good colour.”

St John WA Head of State Operations Centre Austin Whiteside praised Mr Martin for how he handled his first delivery. 

“We are used to helping people in the community,” he said.

“It was special to be able to look after one of our own in this case.

“This was such a great outcome for all.”


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