St John Strong

Satisfaction, speed improve for St John WA

  • St John WA topped patient satisfaction metrics and response times in the 2024 Report on Government Services, which compares services across jurisdictions,
  • St John WA matched a median Priority 1 response time of 10 minutes with services in the Australian Capital Territory, the quickest of any jurisdiction,
  • WA reported the highest patient satisfaction rates regarding the time taken to answer a Triple Zero (000) call and the promptness of ambulance arrival. Overall service satisfaction in WA surged from 95 per cent in 21-22 to 98 per cent in 22-23.

Satisfaction with ambulance services in Western Australia topped the nation in some metrics, and St John WA recorded the equal lowest median response time of any jurisdiction for Priority 1 call-outs, the 2024 Report on Government Services has revealed.

Other key highlights from the report showed:

  • WA continued to have the lowest expenditure per person of any ambulance jurisdiction, representing greater efficiency.
  • 93 per cent of Triple Zero (000) calls were answered within 10 seconds, up from 87.9 per cent the previous year.
  • The number of volunteer team members increased by 9 per cent compared to the previous year.

St John WA Group Chief Executive Kevin Brown said latest figures from the calendar year showed the service was continuing to improve.

“The State Operations Centre is now answering above 97 per cent of calls within 10 seconds, and we have achieved periods as high as 99.7 per cent,” Mr Brown said.

“The team is also continuing to grow to meet community demand. The number of AHPRA registered paramedics increased 8.5 per cent over the period, and I’m pleased to note attrition has decreased about 10 per cent since the reporting period.”

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