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Service of humanity uniting us across cultures

Press Release

St John WA has a vibrant volunteering culture with volunteers from around the world bringing their unique experiences to the team for the service of humanity.

This International Volunteers Day, SJWA wants to thank all the volunteers who serve our WA community, especially those who now call WA home and serve with pride.

Event Health Services Volunteer Suchi Kalia

Volunteers like international student Suchi Kalia who, when she’s not dedicating time to her studies, can be found at many events across Perth in her role with Event Health Services.

“We’re like a tight-knit family and that’s what makes me want to keep doing this, Suchi said.

Volunteer Ambulance Officer Shu Yin Chia alongside fellow volunteer Caitlin Porteous

Wundowie volunteer Shu Yin Chia emphasised how there were a variety of roles within SJWA to suit everyone.

Shu volunteers across multiple roles for the organisation thanks to her friends encouraging her to give every opportunity a go.

“The beauty of the St John family is there’s a variety of roles you can go into; you don’t have to be from a medical background,” she said.

Coming from Malaysia, Shu noted how volunteering had helped make WA her home.

“If you’re new to the country, volunteering also builds another social network, and the people you meet become life-long friends,” she said.

Community Transport Services volunteer Ranganath Bhashyakar with Brody Munyard, General Manager Patient & Community Transport Services

Community Transport Services volunteer Ranganath Bhashyakar, or ‘Ranga’ as he’s affectionately called by his team, enjoys using his many skills to help the community.

When he’s not helping customers at work with his vast language skills (he speaks 15 languages), he can be found driving clients to and from appointments offering a much needed sense of comfort.

“It’s been a really memorable experience for me, giving something back to the community brings us all together,” Ranga said.

Suchi, Shu Yin, and Ranga are just three of the dedicated volunteers SJWA relies on to help keep our community strong.

They highlight how no matter where we are from in the world, and despite cultural differences, we’re all united by the service to humanity and kindness.

Thank you to all our volunteers across WA, and to all the volunteers around the world who are making our global community a better place.

Learn more about volunteering at St John WA here.

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