St John opens new Fremantle first aid training centre
The new St John Ambulance WA training centre in Cantonment St Fremantle has trained its first students this month.
Among the first students was a group of volunteers from St Patrick’s Community Support Centre, a Fremantle based service which offers services for those at risk of being homeless and the disadvantaged.
The venue consists of two first aid training rooms as well as space for first aid kit sales and an office.
The centre also houses a mental health training room, only the second of its kind introduced by St John.
First Aid Training General Manager Aaron Harding said: “In 2017/18, St John trained 403,806 people infirst aid, representing 16 per cent of the WA population.”
“We are determined to keep growing that number so we can achieve our goal of making first aid a part ofeveryone’s life,” he said.
“The move from Parry St, which is also our ambulance depot, has been planned for some time and we aredelighted to have such a great venue right in the heart of Fremantle.”
“This location will give our clientele greater accessibility and convenience, with public transport and parking options nearby.”
“We are glad to have St Patrick’s Community Support Centre here today to learn some new skills that their volunteers can utilise, both practical first aid skills and things like recognising the signs of depression or anxiety.”
St. Pat’s CEO Michael Piu said volunteers were very grateful for the opportunity.
“This is a terrific example of organisations working together for the benefit of the community as a whole. Our volunteers will use the skills they learn here when they work with our clients, many of whom have significant health issues.”
Mr Harding said that the short-term goals of the centre include introducing shorter first aid training programs that could be specifically catered for employees based in the port city.
These sessions would run from a couple of hours up to half a day.
St Pat’s delivers a broad range of services for people who are homeless or at-risk of homelessness including emergency relief, housing, meals, recreational and educational activities, welfare and essential health provision.