St John WA provides best response times
The recent Productivity Commission report into ambulance services across Australia confirms that St John WA is providing the community with a first class service.
In 2017/18, the time within which 90 per cent of first responding ambulance resources arrived at the scene of an emergency in priority 1 situations (emergency lights and sirens response) in the metro area was 14.1 minutes.
By way of comparison, the figure was as high as 20 minutes in other capital cities.
St John Chief Executive Officer Michelle Fyfe said it was acknowledgment that St John was delivering a first class ambulance service.
“Despite a continued increase in demand we still achieved the best response times across the country which is fantastic. At 14.1 minutes, the average is also within our response time targets,” she said.
Ms Fyfe said it was pleasing that St John WA also recorded high results in other key indicators including patient satisfaction and in the management of pain.
“98 per cent of patients felt that the level of care given to them by our paramedics was good or very good,” she said.
“In terms of pain management, our score for this was also higher than the national average.”