St John WA’s STORC program delivers
Since launching on Mother’s Day this year, St John WA’s new on-call midwife program has helped advise frontline crews on more than a few obstetrics jobs.
State Obstetrics Referral Call (STORC) is a 24-hour helpline made up of a team of midwives with extensive knowledge of St John Clinical Practice Guidelines.
This team is ready to assist all on-road crews by providing evidence-based best-practice obstetric care instructions over the phone.
The STORC team has already assisted in a number of obstetrics cases, but this month they got to celebrate their first birth, with a bouncing baby boy delivered in WA’s Mid West region thanks to over-the-phone help from midwife and paramedic Mel Gardiner.
The STORC team includes Mel, as well as Jen Cumptsy, Laura Robertson, Lauren Bell, Sara Morris, and Rebecca Hayes.
Between them, the team works a roster that ensures there is always expert help available for St John team members assisting during childbirth.
A dedicated STORC page provides extensive resources for paramedics and volunteers, all in the name of improving outcomes for newborns coming into the world with the help of St John.

“I’m thrilled STORC is up and running,” Mel said.
“Six crews have asked for our assistance since we started – four in metro and two in the country.
“Last week I delivered my first baby over the phone – a fantastic result.
To support ambos, women and their families is honestly my dream come true.”