
Three things kids of any age need to know when travelling

Press Release
  • Families heading on holiday this Easter are asked to make sure children learn the basics of calling Triple Zero (000) in an emergency
  • Tips include making sure children know how to dial Triple Zero (000) from a locked phone, the names of each person in the family, and where they are staying
  • About one Western Australian child calls Triple Zero (000) each month and they are some of the most conscientious callers.

Rachel Cubitt worked at St John answering emergency calls in the State Operations Centre before transitioning to a team leader role delivering first aid training.

Her experience makes her uniquely placed to understand how basic first aid skills, including how to call Triple Zero (000), can save a life.

“For families who are travelling, even young children can learn the basic skills to call for help,” Rachel said.

“About one child calls Triple Zero (000) each month usually seeking help for a parent or carer.”

Three ways to prepare children for a holiday adventure include:

Teach kids how to call Triple Zero (000).
Make sure children know how to dial Triple Zero (000) – or the relevant emergency number if you’re in a different country.  In WA, you can also teach children to call from within the St John First Responder App which will send your GPS coordinates to the operator when you call for an ambulance and speed up the time to confirm your location.

Practice saying names and ages
Children often just know their parents as “Mum” and “Dad,” but it’s important for them to know everyone’s name in case they become separated.

Your child needs to know the full names and ages of everyone in your family. This information will be helpful if you get separated in a crowded area or if someone needs to identify your family in an emergency.

Check they know where they are staying and travelling to
Make sure children know the name of your hotel or holiday rental’s address. You may also want to give kids a business card, brochure or make a wrist band with the contact information of your accommodation, so they can show it to someone if they get lost.

Other useful hints:

  • Pack an up-to-date first aid kit, especially when travelling with kids.
  • Develop a plan in case you get separated. Talk to children about what to do if they get lost, like staying in one place and waiting to be found or seeking out a police officer for help.
  • Do they know of any known medical conditions anyone might have? Like Asthma, anaphylaxis, or epilepsy?

“No parent wants to imagine a situation where a child has to call Triple Zero (000) but we know first-hand it can happen, and it can mean help will arrive much sooner,” Rachel said.


First responder app

Free first aid for WA school children

  • St John delivers free first aid training to about 150,000 WA school children each year through its youth engagement program.
  • Schools can book a First Aid Focus program which delivers free age-appropriate in-class training from kindy to Year10.
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