TASH (1)

Volunteering a lifesaver for two friends at life’s cross-roads

Press Release

In the heart of regional WA, two legends found purpose and connection through their shared commitment to helping others.

Natasha Aylmore has been a country ambulance volunteer at the St John WA (SJWA) Geraldton sub centre for the past ten years, and has not only saved lives, but touched the hearts of many along the way.

When asked why she volunteers, Tash said that she volunteers for selfish reasons.

“People often looked shocked when I say that, because of course I started out wanting to help others, but I’ve realised that at the end of the day, volunteering is a selfish choice for me,” Tash said.
“I do it because it makes me feel good. I walk away from every shift having learnt something new and feeling damn good about the difference that I can make.”
“I’m surrounded by an incredible community that I now call my SJWA family, and living regionally, it’s been a game-changer for me.”

Tash said that her advice to others thinking about volunteering is to just do it, but understand that the role is a privilege.

“It is a privilege to be in someone else’s life – whether it’s the worst moment of their life, their last moment, or sometimes even their first – not everyone gets to experience that, and I feel privileged to be part of it.”
Sense of community and friendship has been a big sticking point for Tash throughout her time as a volunteer, after facing a period of mental health struggles two years into her tenure.
“I nearly gave up my role, I was scared that my team would see me and treat me differently. Most of all, I was scared they’d hate me for putting them through that,” Tash shared in a candid revelation.
“Thankfully, they were incredible. They helped me find my feet again, with a lot of love and hard work.”

“I want to share my story to let others know that they are not alone in the dark. I’ve been there, and you can find your way again.”

Tash’s experience encouraged her to become a Volunteer Support Officer on top of her regular duties, to help others lost in darkness.
One of the lives touched by her unwavering support was long-time friend Jordi, who Tash helped become a volunteer after finding herself at a crossroads in her own life.

After losing a family member unexpectedly and feeling unsatisfied in her job, Jordi moved to Kalbarri in 2022.

With a long-time affinity for paramedicine and feeling disconnected living in a new town, Tash suggested Jordi try volunteering to test the waters of a potential career-move, knowing she’d find a real community there, too.

Jordi said that she’d always thought about studying paramedicine but being her 30’s she wasn’t sure if it was the right move.

“I decided to volunteer to see if SJWA would be a good fit – and I was hooked immediately,” Jordi said.

By the end of 2023, Jordi had applied to study paramedicine at university, was surrounded by her very own SJWA family at the Kalbarri sub centre and was even crowned “Rookie of the Year”.

“I don’t think anyone signs up to volunteer for the accolades, but when your efforts are so valued in your community, it makes the role of volunteering even more special.”

When asked what advice she would give to other’s toying with the idea of joining SJWA, Jordi echoed her friend’s words and said to just do it.

“If you’ve ever been even a little interested in the idea – just sign up. Your only regret, like mine, will be wishing that you’d done it sooner,” Jordi said. 

Tash and Jordi’s experience is central to SJWA’s Legend2Legend program, building a sense of community and camaraderie while making a meaningful impact.

If you or someone you know is struggling, please reach out for support. You can contact Lifeline on 13 11 14 for confidential support and assistance. Remember, you are not alone, and help is available.

A recent survey released for National Volunteer Week found nine in 10 Western Australians think favourably about people who volunteer, click here to learn more. 

More than 5000 volunteers contribute their time across a range of roles from on-road emergency ambulance response in country WA, to logistics, volunteer support, community transport and Event Health Services. To become a volunteer visit, https://stjohnwa.com.au/changelives.

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